DemcoTECH designs and supplies materials handling systems and niche process plants for the manganese mining and metallurgical industry. All types of conventional, overland and pipe conveyor systems are supplied to move ore and tailings, while stacking and reclaiming systems are available for the efficient, effective and economic reclaiming of bulk materials.

Expansion to Assmang’s Cato Ridge Alloys Plant
Commodity: Manganese Ore; Contract Type: Turnkey
DemcoTECH was contracted, with Kantey & Templer Consulting Engineers, for the expansion to the manganese export facility at Assmang Limited’s Cato Ridge Alloys plant in KwaZulu Natal. The expansion consisted of upgrading two existing rail tipplers, installing a series of troughed conveyors with transfer houses, from the tipplers to a new 80,000 ton stockpile, an elevated travelling tripper, tunnel reclaim equipment and a road load-out facility. The scope of the project ranged from a feasibility study, through to costing and implementation. Read more …

Sinter Plant – Cato Ridge Alloys, Brix
Commodity: Manganese; Contract Type: Design, Engineering, Supervision & Optimisation
DemcoTECH performed the full design, engineering, procurement of mechanical components, erection and commissioning supervision and optimisation for a sinter plant for Cato Ridge Alloys in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The plant is self-standing and installed to enhance the overall existing process and profitability of the operation, which processes manganese. Read more …

Manganese Sintering Plant for Sakura
Commodity: Manganese; Contract Type: Design, Engineering, Commissioning Supervision & Optimisation
DemcoTECH’s contract for a new sintering plant at Sakura Ferroalloys’ facility in Malaysia comprises design of a new crushing and screening circuit, along with a proportioning, mixing and pelletising system that allows for by-products, recycled material and fines of the existing submerged arc furnace smelting process to be utilised through sintering. This second sinter plant was awarded to DemcoTECH due to the success of an earlier project for Cato Ridge Alloys. Read more …

Samalaju Port Study
Commodity: Manganese; Contract Type: Study
DemcoTECH was contracted by Bintulu Port Holdings to assess the entire bulk materials handling, ship loading, offloading and storage facility at Samalaju Port in Malaysia and make recommendations to return the facility back to its nameplate capacity. The assessment covered the luffing crane ship offloaders, 1,200 tph conveyors and stacking plant and the associated equipment. This required a full investigation and review of the mechanicals and electricals, as well as of the operations of the existing plant and equipment. Read more …

Newlyn Materials Handling Study
Commodity: Manganese; Contract Type: Study
DemcoTECH undertook a materials handling study for Newlyn whereby manganese ore arrives in 100 ton rail carriages and 50 ton haul trucks, with the ore tipped through a rotary tippler, stockpiled and thereafter conveyed overland to two rail-mounted ship loaders addressing Capesize vessels moored at two Coega manganese quays. The scope of work included all materials handling conceptualisation and development, block plan and detailed drawings, locating and sizing of hoppers and silos, preliminary conveyor designs, budget costing and operational costing for the terminal. Read more …